Friday, 24 May 2013

Harness the Power of your Employees, and may the force be with you!

A long time away in a galaxy far far away...united members of a team set out on a mission for online marketing success. Along the way they met a wise being called Yoda, he empowered them with skills and words of wisdom and left them with the following notes!

Mission of success according to Yoda

Have you LEVERAGED your biggest Brand Advocates? These are your employees! With their combined professional networks of clients, colleagues and friends it is ESSENTIAL to get them on board, supporting and being involved in your Social Media. This is the 1st step in developing a solid follower base!

On way too many occasions I have sat in consultation with clients and taken the time at length to explain this. It seems to be 'they understand the concept' but time and time again fail to implement my advice. Quite despairing to say the least!

As with all marketing techniques from SEO to Advertising Campaigns there are guidelines and essentials that need to be implemented for success. When it comes to Social Media marketing, your first foot hold up the ladder to success is 'getting your employees' on board. Here are some basic tips :

  • Are your Employees following your Linkedin Company Page? (am hoping the answer is yes!)
  • Has each employee updated their personal profile to reflect the company's current website, location and contact details? The galaxy is a big place and we want people to be able to find us.
  • Where the company is mentioned on their Linkedin Personal Account, does it have a clickable link through to the Linkedin Company Page? It should! Please ask us to help you with this if its needed by simply clicking here Email Scottie at Mother Ship

The same principles apply here as to Linkedin. Encourage your employees to like your Facebook Business Page. It goes without saying that the continued success of the very company they work for, is and should be in their interest. It takes team work to jointly care and support 'the mother ship' ;-)
  • Be sure to ask each employee to select 'The Facebook Business Page' where they fill in their employment on Facebook so that it becomes a click through link to the page
  • An occasional 'like' on the company's content posts will assist your content going viral. I sometimes feel that people dont realise how valuable their active participation can be. If they knew and understand the value they would be more prepared to engage.
  • Check in's! One of the least known and most highly effective marketing tools! If your business has a geographical location, ask your employees to use their smart phones to 'check in' This is super quick-takes a couple of seconds to do and results in sharing the Business Page link to possibly 100's or 1000's of people out there in the galaxy.

  • Ask employees to follow their Company back (support the 'Mother Ship'!)
  • Encourage them to re-tweet the company's tweets-assisting the post and content going viral online
Building success when it comes to all round marketing requires team effort. Wishing you success in promoting the Mother Ship and...may the force (of Social Media) be with each of you always ;-)

Saturday, 11 May 2013


Drive business results thought leadership and amplify your brand!

With a membership of over 200 million users globally, Linkedin has become one of the top social networks to be part of. Research tells us that out of all Social Media networks, Linkedin's members consist mostly of influential professionals. Are you show-casing your company professionally on this powerful network?Here are some great guidelines to help leverage the marketing potential of Linkedin's powerful network.

Establish your Brand by setting up a professional Linkedin Company Page
This will be the 1stimpression of your business when visitors and potential clients find your company on Linkedin so it is vital to ensure it is as visually appealing and as comprehensive as possible.
  • Upload professional branded graphics and logo's
  • Include a compelling biography /company description
  • Feature your products and services
  • Add relevant url links
  • Upload YouTube video if these are available

Develop your Company Page Following
How do you leverage your existing networks to connect back to your company page?
  • Add the Linkedin Company Page icon to your Website
  • Include your Linkedin Company Page link on your email signature and that of all your employees
  • Leverage the networks of your employees on Linkedin by getting them to add the company page link to their own Linkedin Personal accounts and also to follow your newly set up Linkedin Company Page

Activate your Marketing
Once set up and a following has been generated, your Linkedin Company page is far from complete. The next step is marketing implementation whereby you will post a flow of interesting content to the page to begin to broaden your network and attract a higher following. Here are some great tips :
  • Post content that is relevant to your industry
  • Include visual images when posting to make it more attention grabbing
  • Add links 'to your Website or Blog' in order to drive traffic to your own sites. Be aware that sharing links to other sites will drive traffic to those.
  • Include questions now and then to start conversations
  • Use CTA's (call to action) by asking readers to like or share your posts
  • Optimal posts are mainly during office hours
  • Post a maximum of once a day
  • Ask your employees to like or share your weekly posts to assist in them going viral

Linkedin Company Endorsements
Endorsements work very much like that of a good testimonial. Each one received will speak to new potential customers boosting their confidence in the services that you offer. Not only that, but each time an endorsement is received it will be visible to the connections of the person giving the endorsement-very good free advertising! Endorsements of your company's products and services therefore amplifies your company page across Linkedin.

Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact me-am only an email away Click Here to Email

Sunday, 5 May 2013


Linkedin is an incredible social media channel for business. With its high level of search engine optimization, your Linkedin profile can be found by most who conduct a web search on you. It is therefore essential that your Linkedin Profile is complete, professional and has good and informative content.

One of the most important reasons for having a Linkedin account is to expand your Business Network.
Here are some great tips below to complete your Profile in a professional manner :

    Add your Company Website and a contactable company email and make sure they are visible publicly. Hiding these is counter productive.

    Write a good 'Headline' worded clearly to grab the attention of visitors to your profile. It should be instantly clear what it is that you do, readers will within seconds know if they should connect with you and if your industry is relevant to theirs.

    Write a powerful opening paragraph
    Your opening paragraph should be used to encourage readers to connect with you. If you dont get their attention quickly they will move on to someone else.
    When listing the name of the company you work for, be sure to connect it with its correct Linkedin Company Page. This will allow the reader to hover their mouse over the company name and immediately see more information on the business. It simply adds a professional touch to your profile.

    List your interests and charities of choice
    Adding in these will tell the reader a little more about you as a person. People need to get a feel for your personality and who you are. Be sure not to omit these.
    Feature your groups
    By including your main groups of interest on your Linkedin Profile, people will gain a clearer understanding of your interests and begin to get a feel for the person behind the profile.
    Your Linkedin Summary
    When you are writing your Linkedin summary, make sure that your content is clear and concise and that you focus on your skills, accomplishments and goals. Be modest, but communicative at the same time. Try to put yourself into the reader’s shoes and write something that you would want to read if you were the reader. Always write your summary in the first person and dont be shy to add in a little humour (in good taste of course). At the end of the day adding in some personality, encourages people to want to connect with you.
    A new wonderful tool on Linkedin is that of endorsements. Receiving these from your clients and connections verifies certain skills that you have listed. Obviously the more endorsements you have, the better your profile will appear. I must add that it works two ways. People may endorse you, but be sure to make a concerted effort to give an honest endorsement back where deserved.
    These are a little more difficult to secure, but of great value. Recently worked for an important client? Be sure to send them a 'recommendation request'. Each recommendation added to your profile is a powerful tool that can assist in leveraging new clients and business. As with endorsements above, be sure to return the favour as social networking is after all about building relationships.
The impression that you create with your Linkedin Profile will mean the difference between getting people to interact with you and eventually want to become your customers and clients. Spend some time tweaking and completing it. A professional Linkedin profile is an investment in marketing your business and the services that you offer. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions or need assistance. Simply click HERE to email me :-)

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Should you use your Facebook Personal Account for Business?

Although business networking and posts should mainly be conducted via your Professional Company Page on Facebook, there are opportunities for networking and referrals via your personal Facebook Account.

Facebook, as well as other online social networking sites, allow people to share valuable information with their network which may be composed of personal relationships or professional relationships. Due to Facebook having a high level of traffic and your network most certainly visiting this site on a frequent basis, you would be missing out if you didn’t include it in your online marketing strategy.

Here are some great tips to enhance your personal Facebook account for Business Networking :

  • Uploading your Graphic Image
It is important to upload a good-quality photograph so that people can see what you look like. The result is they will be able to relate to you more easily which could encourage them to be more inclined to do business with you. Also include a good cover photo as this will add colour and character to your profile.

  • Write a Good Biography
You need a biography that describes who you are and what you are doing in a compelling manner. Remember that you have very little time to capture the attention of your readers. Your friends will read this and hopefully know to refer 'market related business to you' so it is important that your business details are included.

  • Add Interesting Content
It is acceptable to mix some personal and professional details on your Facebook profile. You need to make sure that you seem human so that your readers feel that they can relate to you on a personal level. Facebook provides you with a golden opportunity to share information about your business and about you as you relate to your business. By taking advantage of this, you will be positioning yourself as an industry leader and a subject matter expert. Be sure to include your company website and business location and to make this publicly visible not hidden by security settings.

  • Add a Clickable Link on your Personal Account to your Facebook Business Page
After setting up a separate professionally branded Company Page, be sure to select this page from the drop down list when typing in and adding your work information. Visitors to your Personal Facebook Profile will therefore have immediate access to your Company Page. This will assist in building your fan base likes.

  • Networking
Facebook is an excellent social media channel for networking. You should network as much as possible with people who share your professional interests and goals. When sharing professional relationships through Facebook remember to always consider the needs of your connections. As with all online connections its important to acknowledge and engage with them according to their interests. Avoid direct selling and discuss topics that are of interest to them.

To conclude, if you ask yourself whether your personal account on Facebook is good for business, the answer is definitely yes! Facebook in general, business pages and personal accounts combined will prove to be a good marketing tool that will make a large contribution to the ultimate success of your business.

For any questions please email me by clicking HERE and I will be happy to advise or assist :-)