When you are marketing your business on Face book, you must focus on how to create a successful network of people who respect you and who listen to you. We want you to impact your Target Market and be noticed by them.

The following are important tips in your marketing strategy that you should use to maximize your Facebook marketing experience. If you follow them, you can expect to succeed in your business.

Focus on Quality, not Quantity: 
The general inclination of people on Facebook is to try to acquire as many Facebook connections or fans as possible. A more effective (and higher-quality) strategy is to build solid relationships with the Facebook friends or fans that you do have before growing your Fan Base. If your small network of friends/fans is higher quality, it will out value and out perform a larger group. A good suggestion is to begin with a small core group of people who are “influencers” in your niche, build a relationship with them, and then expand out from there. It is also a good idea to concentrate on technologies or systems that are important in your own business or industry.

Relationship first, Business second: 
This is a critical principle in all businesses, including yours. Your main goal in using Facebook is to build relationships and to establish rapport with your new Facebook friends and fans. You accomplish this by commenting on what is important to your friends/fans, getting to know them, and interacting with them. Prove to them that you are sincerely interested in what they have to say and offer and how they feel.

Follow Through: 
When you set out to do something, make sure that you finish what you have started. If you promise something, make sure that you deliver on that promise. People will notice if you do and people will also notice if you don’t. Statistics tell us that 9 of 10 people never follow through on what they say they will do. If you follow through, that makes you 90% better than the rest of the business owners, automatically. You will have earned instant credibility in the eyes of your friends and fans.
Never ignore your Fans! This is honestly the GOLDEN RULE. Always acknowledge their comments by responding or simply clicking like on their comment so that they feel acknowledged. If they have commented, always comment back as this encourages communication and builds relationships.

Be Authentic: 
Make sure that you come across as sincere. People will have the feeling that they can connect with you on a deeper level and the trust will be built between you very rapidly. Don’t try to be perfect. Just be yourself, be friendly and believe in yourself and others will as well.

Be interested in others more than in yourself: 
Focus on the needs of your Facebook friends/fans. Show an interest in them. People want to have their needs and wants fulfilled. Ask people about their interests etc. The conversations will uncover what you have in common, how you connect with your friends/fans, and which interests you share. Think in terms of how you can help them and serve them to your best. Pay attention to who they engage with, with whom they converse, their status messages, which subjects and message styles drive the most response and interest.

Transparency is critical: 

It is impossible to hide online. Don’t even bother trying. Don’t promote a product or service if you don’t believe in its quality or potential for success. If you push the product with only financial gain in mind, you will probably be sorry. A consequence of this could be that you will lose your social power and ability to influence others. If that happens, you will notice that people are responding to you less and less and they won’t trust that you are telling them the whole truth about anything.

Guard your reputation: 
Your number one asset in social media is your reputation. Make sure that you earn the reputation of the person who everyone consults with in your niche or industry. It is very important for people to be secure in the idea that they are making a solid buying decision before they actually buy it. You want people to feel that you are the person who will give them the guidance that they feel they need before they make a decision to buy whatever they are considering.

Market your message in a non obtrusive way: 
Promote your business indirectly. You should share with people what you are working on and why you think that it is worthwhile and innovative, otherwise you will come across as SPAM! You want to avoid that! Share insights and updates and make your Facebook friends and fans feel as though you are sharing your information with a select few.
These tips will help you to build major influence with Social Media. Your goal is to have mutually beneficial relationships with your Facebook network. If you follow these tips, you will successfully and easily achieve that and your business will become more successful as a result.

Success comes through REGULAR posting

Leaving your Business Page set up and lying dormant is going to render your Social Media sites as ineffective. It is very important to get into a routine with regarding posting to your Business Page. I cannot even begin to stress how important this is. One has to make a commitment to growing your Fan Base and posting at least a minimum of 4 times per week to your Business Page. I personally post every second day, although one daily post is ideal and recommended. If you adhere to this, your Page will grow with success on a consistant basis. According to research most people visit their Facebook 1st thing in the morning and in the evenings during the week (8am and 8pm respectively) Facebook is consistantly busy throughout weekends. Hence, it makes sense to post on the weekends as this is when you have guarantee of a larger audience. Regular posting is the only way you will grow your Business Page- this takes commitment! :-)

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